Do You Need Architectural Screening in North Dakota?

With the passage of time, more and more communities throughout North Dakota—and indeed the United States—sign into law codes regarding the proper concealment of dumpsters, HVACs, and similar fixtures. Failure to abide by said codes can result in violation fees for which you, as the property owner, will be held accountable. Screening is also handy from a simple maintenance perspective. Say you have a dumpster outside your commercial building. Without a surrounding enclosure, the dumpster and all its contents become accessible to vandals as well as scavenging critters such as raccoons and stray cats. As a result, your employees will likely show up each morning, only to discover a mess of trash strewn across the ground. Not only is this an inconvenience for your staff—who’d rather work than perform maintenance duty—but it’s a deterrent for customers. Nothing screams “unprofessional” like unkempt property.

Also potentially alienating to clients are visible HVACs and rooftop mechanical equipment. These fixtures, while necessary extremities for your building, tend to be unappealing to the eye. People are more inclined to approach a building whose appearance is clean, well-maintained, and inviting. So even if you live in a North Dakota community that does not require dumpster enclosures, architectural screens, etc., installing these panels nonetheless comes strongly recommended. And if you’re seeking a contractor supplying architectural screens in Fargo, check out our division PalmSHIELD.

Established in 2002, PalmSHIELD reigns as the Midwest’s top fabricator of architectural and mechanical equipment screening. Working closely with two other divisions, Patriot Custom Metals and IronShield Coating, they fabricate and install products tailored to the exact needs of the client. Rather than simply sell panels of an established size, PalmSHIELD custom builds screening that fits the project site’s exact parameters. This way you don’t have to worry about screening that ends up taking up or leaving too much space. What’s more, the fabrication team consists of 6G-certified welders. Basically, this means industry professionals who have completed extensive training through accredited schools and passed certification tests for their titles. That—combined with the many resources at their disposal—means they can put together screening in any fashion you desire.

PalmSHIELD’s architectural and mechanical equipment screens are built in a contemporary facility encompassing more than 80,000 square feet. The team has access to the most modern welding equipment, as demonstrated in the YouTube video above. Did we also mention the very special-looking screens they can fabricate? Say you have an old-fashioned brick-and-mortar building and want to obscure the ground-level HVACs to its side. Obviously, traditional gray screens will clash horrifically against that elegant background. Enter PalmSHIELD’s Brick & Stone collection, which uses specially textured and colored polymer infill to simulate the appearance of masonry. The team also has put together numerous artistic screens wherein lasers cut through surface infill to recreate symbols, logos, patterns, etc. You can even get screens that have LEDs for the most attractive display!

Ready to start the process of obtaining architectural screening for your North Dakota property? PalmSHIELD’s sales team is ready to field calls, answer emails, and start your project!