Fences, Gates, Architectural Screening, and More! Right here in Fargo, ND!

wood fence constructed by American Security and Gate Company

When you Google “fence contractor in Fargo,” a whole bunch of websites turn up—each and every one of them likely professing to represent the city’s top industry practitioner. So how do you determine which is worthy of your time and business? Take American Security and Gate Company, for example. Our parent company’s operated in the Midwest since 1967—that means 55 years of hands-on experience in the fence and gate industries! We also require our installation team to undergo thorough, comprehensive training before partaking in their first job. A team familiar with construction and safety practices before strapping on their gear belt is better prepared to deliver high-quality work than a team consisting of people who must learn on the job. Communication with customers is likewise stressed—and made easier than ever thanks to our CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system, which dispatches updates to the client as their fence project advances.

However, what really distinguishes American Security and Gate Company from the competition is that we’re more than a fence and gate company. We are, in fact, the state’s foremost contractor in the following fields:


Our sister division PalmSHIELD remains Fargo’s leading contractor for architectural and mechanical equipment screening. In many communities nationwide, city codes require dumpsters to be fully concealed from public view. Likewise for mechanical equipment mounted at both ground level and on rooftops. At PalmSHIELD, every project is custom-designed and custom-fabricated, tailored to the exact needs of the individual customer. Our options include louvered screening, solid panels, playground screening, and fancy items such as LED Backlit Laser Cut Panels, which use a combination of intricate design and electronic display to dazzle passersby. (What a great way to attract customers! Check out the YouTube video below to see one of these amazing products in action!)

To contact PalmSHIELD:


For some customers, fencing is imperative but only needed on a temporary basis. This includes construction companies, public events organizers, hosts for concerts, private shindigs, wedding parties, etc. In these situations, you need barriers to control access, guide foot and pedestrian traffic, and distinguish boundary lines for the duration of your event. The best way to accomplish this is with temporary fencing, and no one specializes better in this field than our sister division American Fence Rental. Whether you want to purchase or merely rent fencing for your event, the team can accommodate your needs. Check out their selection of temp fencing, fence panels, gates, security add-ons, and barricades. They can also provide custom-designed windscreens to include logos, slogans, signature colors, and more!

To contact American Fence Rental:


Schools, community parks—all of these need playgrounds to occupy youngsters. After all, playgrounds encourage not only exercise but interaction between neighboring kids as well as the parents who come to supervise them. American Playground Company is your one-stop shop for play equipment, surfacing, freestanding play elements, inclusive play elements, park benches for parents, etc. In addition to selling the city’s best equipment, we also employ certified designers, installers, and inspectors. Their expertise ensures that your playground is put together using the most contemporary practices. Our inspectors ensure the play areas remain up to modern safety standards.

To contact American Playground Company:


Automatic gates that permit efficient entry to authorized personnel while helping keep out intruders are much sought after today. Homeowners, commercial property managers, industry complexes, etc. need a system that processes entries according to whether the person in question knows to enter a proper code, contact an operator, or come within range of a security camera. American Access Company doesn’t merely design and install automated gates; we also handle the necessary access control measures such as intercom systems, keypads, and motion sensors. Did we also mention the team repairs automated gates—even those we did not install ourselves?

To contact American Access Company:


Patriot Custom Metals and another sister division, IronShield Coating, work closely together to produce unique, original sculptures. This includes everything from unique fencing to hub caps for hotrods to specialty items such as gazebos and pergolas. The team works out of a massive facility encompassing more than ninety-two thousand square feet, which you can see, alongside some of the products they make, in the video below. IronShield Coatings allows us to paint them any color you want—solid colors as well as specific patterns and designs!

To contact Patriot Custom Metals:


Our latest division, America’s Drilling Company provides services such as soil sampling, mud rotary, rock core drilling, and installing monitoring wells. Their expertise is sought by agricultural specialists needing to obtain loam samples, drill through hard strata, analyze groundwater, etc.

To contact America’s Drilling Company: