Top 4 Benefits of Winter Fence Installation in Fargo | American Security and Gate Company

American Fence Company Sioux City, Iowa - Ornamental Fencing

Many homeowners and businesses assume that the best seasons for fence installation are spring and summer—and that to build a fence any other time of the year is impractical and inconvenient. The truth, however, is something of the opposite. Because everyone assumes warmer months constitute prime fence-building time, fence companies’ schedules usually become overwhelmed during spring/summer; consequently, your local contractor might not get around to building your fence until late in the year. (A big inconvenience if you try scheduling in spring and hope to have a fence done before summer.)

Did you know it’s actually easier to get timely fence installation during fall and winter—and that there are multiple benefits to building a fence at this time? Here are the top 4 reasons to consider winter fence installation.

  1. Scheduling Winter Fence Installation = Shorter Turnaround
  2. Reduction in Yard Damage
  3. Privacy Installed for the New Year
  4. Everything’s Ready By Spring

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Scheduling Winter Fence Installation = Shorter Turnaround

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, the majority of prospective fence owners contact their local fence companies in spring and summer; and with so many projects compiled on their slate at once, contractors usually have no choice but to place incoming projects on the backburner. In other words: work on your fence might not begin for several months. (What’s more, construction might be further delayed if the fence company needs to order materials.)

Quicker turnaround time is the primary advantage of winter fence installation. Because projects are wrapping up as the weather cools and fewer orders are coming in, most fence companies will have more flexible scheduling in fall/winter. And on the subject of fence materials: American Security and Gate Company of Fargo, ND is associated with nine sister branches scattered across the Midwest. If we need extra fence panels for a project, we simply import from a sister branch, keeping your fence installation on track.

Reduction in Yard Damage

One of the top concerns homeowners and businesses have with fence construction is accidental yard damage. During the installation process, you have personnel and equipment all over your yard, drilling holes, pouring cement, etc. Having an installation crew on site furthermore means you cannot use your yard to its full extent: until the job is completed, no running the sprinklers; pets and children must be kept under strict supervision when they go outside; it’s even difficult to just sit on your porch and relax with so much noise and activity.

With winter fence installation, however, these concerns become irrelevant. For one thing, you’ll probably spend less time outside when the temperature’s down, so having a crew on site won’t interfere with outdoor plans. Secondly, once the ground’s frozen, the risk of yard damage practically drops to zero: trucks can drive onto your yard without leaving unsightly tire tracks. Likewise, foliage will have become dormant by this time—so no worries about damage to your garden.

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Privacy Installed for the New Year

The top reason for installing a fence—after security purposes—is to lend a sense of privacy. While some homeowners address this need by growing shrubs along the edge of their property, this solution stops being viable once the weather starts cooling down: as the plants become dormant and wither during fall/winter, your yard will become fully exposed again. And even when conditions warm up in spring, the shrubs have to start growing all over. (A full month or two may pass before they’re tall enough to conceal your yard.)

A fence, however, is a permanent fixture, lending privacy all year-round.

Everything’s Ready By Spring

When you schedule winter fence installation, everything we’ve discussed—timely turnaround, security, privacy—is completed in time for spring. By the time seasons change and spring’s warm weather has arrived, your fence panels will be set in place, the crew’s gone, and there’s no further risk of yard or garden damage due to fence installation.

At this point, your only remaining task is to enjoy your yard. While neighbors and fellow businesses scramble to get timely fence installation this spring/summer, you’ll be enjoying the nice weather on newly protected property.

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