Top 5 Ways to Protect Against Job Site Thefts

Unfortunately, job site thefts have been all too common of an event in recent years. Despite efforts from contractors to provide site security, theives still find their way into sites to plunder valuable materials and tools.

While site security is important, it is not the only deciding factor in preventing thefts. Our temporary fence rental division, American Fence Rental, offers their top 5 practices to deter job site thefts.

Five Practices to Prevent Job Site Thefts

  1. Keep employee and visitor parking inside your fence barrier. This eliminates parking access for would-be thieves and forces them to park in a lighted street outside your job site, making them more conspicious and less likely to consider your site as a ripe target.
  2. Impede the outside view of your site by using shade or windscreening. If people cannot see the materials and equipment you use, it reduces the odds of those items being stolen. Out of sight, out of mind.
  3. Keep your security fence clean. Debris and weeds make it easier to hide holes and other paths in and out of your construction site.
  4. Keep your temporary fence low to the ground. Gaps near the ground make it easier to pile up materials and move them unnoticed. Which was the case for a contractor who noticed a pile of materials near his security fence. After investigating the pile, he found a large gap below the fence, but could not fix it in time to prevent the theft.
  5. Finally, restrict salvaging of materials from employees and tradesmen. Allowing any employee to salvage old materials from a project makes it easier to remove materials from the site. Instead, make sure that only designated employees can handle salvage materials and that there is a separate staging area for them.

If you are looking for temporary security fencing for your job site, check out American Fence Rental. It is the largest provider of temporary construction job site fencing, and stocks thousands of temporary fence panels ready for installation. Visit the American Fence Rental website for more information or to request a free estimate.

temporary fence for construction job site

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